Sunday, December 16, 2012

The burgers come in pairs

I think I'll be in good company once I actually make it to Azerbaijan. The more I learn about the country the more excited I get to go. The food sounds great and it seems like I might even be able to survive without giving up on being a vegetarian. So that would be nice.

Since I accepted the assignment two things have happened: I've gotten a ton of paperwork to do, and I've started making every little thing into "THE LAST _____ BEFORE I LEAVE." I admit, I have a slight (*slight*) tendency toward the dramatic when it comes to major change and this is no exception. So if you hear me get all poetic about this being my last Christmas at home, or my last month paying rent, or my last breakfast burrito in the cafe (shut up that will be a terrible day when it comes)... just take it for what it is and tell me to hush. Not everything is another grain of sand (or breakfast burrito) in the hour glass. And while 27 months seems like the longest time in the world, the rational part of my brain knows it is not.

Some things to know about Azerbaijan, for the curious:

  • Azerbaijan means "fire guardians" (kind of) and is an Arabization of the Persian "Azarpaigan"
  • It is located on the Caspian Sea and shares borders with Iran, Armenia, Georgia and Russia
  • Azerbaijani (or Azeri) language is similar to Turkish. 
  • Islam is the predominant religion in Azerbaijan
  • Apparently smiling is not considered appropriate in public. I'm probably going to have a breakdown and think the whole country is mad at me. For more, check out the Wiki page I'll link to in the sidebar. 

Now look at this picture of the Azerbaijani Foreign Affairs Minister with President Obama. Our countries get along so well! I hope the President comes to visit while I'm there. Just for funsies. 

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