Kelsey Pince
Attention Peace Corps
Sumgayit Post Office
Azadlig prospect 15
Azerbaijan 5000
That's where I'll be receiving mail for the first 11 weeks. If you want to send me letters, pictures, or anything with dark chocolate, my future self thanks you heartily. It's been a tough couple of weeks. I'm having serious doubts about this being the right decision but I think that's pretty normal. It's just hard to feign enthusiasm when I want to dig my heels in and stay. Luckily I have some great friends at my side who won't let me get too lost. Chev has been through the entire PC experience already and knows what to avoid (spending a fortune on gadgets at REI) and what preparations are necessary.
I'm leaving April 3rd on the 2pm Alaska Airlines flight from SeaTac. I have a ride to the airport with the person who is somehow at once the scariest and least scary to say goodbye to. I'll be in DC for two nights and then on to Azerbaijan for the first few months of training. I'm making a packing list and trying to sort out what to do with my apartment and all of the stuff in it. I had my last day at work, and the subsequent party was nothing short of magical. It's hard to walk away from so much love and have faith that it will find me again once I come back. But I've moved away before and things generally turn out OK in the end.
This will probably be my last update until I'm actually in DC for training. Thanks for all the lovely times and support and I will miss you all terribly!
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