Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Mentors, Packing and the dreaded goodbyes

Hi all. I've been in hiding. Some health troubles (combined with a growing belief that hiding from the fact that I leave in 6 weeks will somehow make it not happen) have made me pretty reclusive. And there hasn't really been much to say but here are some updates.

First of all, the PC in Azerbaijan has assigned each of us incoming volunteers to an existing volunteer mentor. Mine has been tons of help with questions about what to pack (a sleeping bag liner, my iPhone,  some conservative clothes) what not to worry too much about (my tattoos, the availability of peanut butter) and general insight into life in the AZ (the Baijan? Banastand? I'm still not settled on a shorthand for where I am going...) This has helped tremendously. (Thanks James!)

Azerbaijan was in the NY Times, and many people have been sending me the article, so here's a link if you're curious. 

The major things I'd planned on buying before leaving were a backpack and an e-reader of some kind. My lovely Aunt Leslie has graciously offered to send me the first and my lovely friend Mariah went MAD and bought me the second for my birthday. So I've been taking advantage of a somewhat flexible budget and indulging in the kind of fancy food and drink I won't have access to, (though aforementioned health stuff has put the brakes on that) as well as buying some better-fitting clothes since I seem to have finally realized nothing I own is the right size anymore. It's pretty low stress, though, I admit, I am tired of people asking me how I'm feeling about leaving. I don't want to say goodbye to anyone, I don't want to leave, I don't want to talk about it. Before you worry too much, this is pretty normal for me before a big life change and I will still go and I will still enjoy myself once I am there. But I Do Not Want to deal with any of the feelings I'm having right now. It makes me very unpleasant to be around.

Today I went through my clothes and bagged up everything I want to get rid of before I go. Next month I'll do the same with the books, which will be much more heartbreaking. Until then I'm going to go back to pretending like I'm not leaving (except when the chance to go to my favorite restaurant/coffe shop/ice cream/cafe/really anything that is food related comes up and all I need is an excuse to justify the expense. Of course.)