Thursday, April 4, 2013


I've arrived in DC and I'm having some serious doubts about doing this at all. I'm sorry if that is disappointing to many of you, and I'd really appreciate if no one responded to this post with "you can do it!" or "You don't even know how great it's going to be" or any other encouraging words since you're not the ones staring down two years in Azerbaijan.

The fact is I don't know why I'm doing this, and being confronted with 30-odd super-peppy people who know exactly why they're doing it and Can't Wait for it to get started makes that even more apparent. When I applied for Peace Corps I was 25, just out of college with no idea what to do with my life and, frankly, pretty discontent with the way things were. Now I'm 27, convinced I want to write even if I'm never successful at it, and genuinely happy for the first time in a long time. I love my job, my friends, having my family so close, and of course that complication who shalt go by the name of Spider is no small factor in my current happiness.

I know if I don't go many people who think I am cowardly. Others will think I am only doing it because I'm in love. Others will say I wasted an opportunity they would have killed for when they were younger/less attached/able to travel.

It's my life though. I can't justify wasting two years of it if I'm going to be miserable the whole time and wishing I was writing more or working somewhere I could use my Arabic skills or just at home with Spider. I've been fortunate enough to spend time traveling and living abroad. I know what it entails and how it can be both stressful and very, very rewarding. I just don't know that I want to put myself through it again, especially for so long. (Because "travel" is very different than "living somewhere and learning a new language for 2 years.") I need to have a goal that is served by this to justify the amount of stress and work and being unhappy and I just don't.

I'm sorry if this is a terribly negative thing to read. I haven't decided anything for sure, but I want to be honest about the way I'm feeling and right now I just don't think I'm doing this for the right reasons. Perhaps staging will change my mind. I hope you will all forgive me if it doesn't.